Digital Disruptors

Clipeum Insurtech Platform

Insurtech platform- Insurance Program management system

The Clipeum GroupTM is a technology company as well.  We have deployed a technology platform that uniquely, and powerfully, positions our clients in the 21st century, digital marketplace.  With online portal technology we minimize the transactional friction across the entire process of digitally engaging a prospect, and then moving them quickly through the rate, quote, bind, issuance process.  Each insured gets their own online dashboard as well to organize their policies and servicing.

  • We have partnered with industry leaders in this space and have secured our own technology environment.
  • Build programs with online application, binding, policy issuance
  • Manage payment and then distribution of funds to various parties for immediate payment
  • Provide significant online capabilities to brokers to run their own web-based sales efforts, and have this all tracked and organized
  • Very quickly deploy this ‘codeless’ platform for new initiatives (in days, not months)
  • Robust data management and analytics to understand their current and historical risk data to reduce historical loss rates

With this is a “Digital Disruptor” capability we provide our insurance program clients with unique capabilities to grow their program book, while achieving significant cost efficiencies in administration.  This is a competitive differentiator to insurance markets (companies) in the program marketplace as we attract trading partners to support our program clients.


“digital Engagement” – engaging brokers and insureds where they live and work everyday

The Clipeum GroupTM recognizes that the future of market penetration strategies is leveraging Digital Assets, and that this future is now. The Clipeum GroupTM has a Digital Marketing Asset Team group with the diverse and deep expertise needed to effectively penetrate markets to gain visibility with Centers of Influence and targeted, prospective, insureds.

Our multi-layered approach effectively engages a prospective insured where they live and are active on the internet with the goal of having them take a specific action to engage one of our digital platforms designed to convert them from interested prospects into contracted insureds with our program.

drive programs into the marketplace by:

  • Confirming who the target market is, and their emotional drives
  • Identify messages that resonate with target market
  • Find them where they are active on the internet
  • Place content, advertisements, call to actions in front of them to buy the product

With this is a “Digital Disruptor” capability we provide our insurance program clients with unique capabilities to grow their program book, while achieving significant cost efficiencies in administration.  This is a competitive differentiator to insurance markets (companies) in the program marketplace as we attract trading partners to support our program clients.

Content Development and Deployment as Thought Leader:

We focus very specifically on who is our target prospect and what are they concerned about most. Our team develops specific content for them and deploys it into the “social media” areas where we know they are specifically active.

Content Visibility, Apps, and SEO:

Specific strategies are used to place relevant content in the relevant places on the Internet and to then use keywords, Apps, SEO, and other techniques to increase visibility.

Data Techniques:

Leading edge techniques are used to gather data profiles of the target prospect in the specific geographic areas we are focused on during each phase of our program.


With the above in place our group now knows precisely how to do strategically focused ad buys that successfully engage our target prospect and motivate them to take an action.

Minimal Transactional Friction

This philosophy drives our entire approach at The Clipeum GroupTM.

Our vision is always to create programs that require minimal human involvement in the steps of the program process, and to make it as convenient and easy for the target prospect as possible. Clipeum’s approach does this by combining the Digital Marketing Strategy outlined above, our on the ground distribution networks (with deep, personal relationships with our target industry sectors and prospects), with robust digital infrastructure for online access, signup, and servicing.